How To Take Care Of Your Sick Child?
As a parent, watching your child sick is hard and even harder task is to take care of a child in such days. As a parent, it is hard to take care of the child when they are not behaving like themselves. You have done some work of home, office work, take care of another child if you have and at the same time you don’t have to become annoying. So here are some tips on How to take care of your sick child.
Make your child comfortable
When your child is sick, try to make him or her comfortable with an illness like headaches, sensitivity to lights, smell and sounds. Let them rest and tell you, other children, to watch TV on low volume. Keep the temperature of your home at a comfortable level. Also, set a humidifier to moisten the air especially in your child’s room as it reduces coughing and congestion and eases a sore throat. Sanitize the room and humidifier both otherwise it can cause more infection. Do not smoke and avoid wearing perfume in the home. Lastly, open the window and let some fresh air enter into the home.
Soothe the Symptoms
Try some home remedies to sooth the symptoms like chicken soup, honey, gargling salt water herbal tea with a drop of honey and squeeze of lemon, saline nasal spray, etc. can help the child.
Careful with OTC Medication
Nature remedies are good, but after one level your child needs more help with over-the-counter (OTC) medications for children. Before giving it to the child read all the notes carefully. And if it fulfills all the parameters like age, dose, etc. then only give it to your child.
Provide emotional support
Kids feel scared when they are sick or upset due to symptoms. Give some extra attention and extra cuddling; it will help. Even if you are concerned, do not show it. Just pay attention to the child’s wellness. Give a drink, rub their hand and feet, tell them stories, sing songs, watch tv together, etc.
Getting some fresh air
Your child feels better with some fresh air. In mild weather, let your child sit in the backyard or front porch. When the weather is cold, open up the child’s room. Natural sunlight adjusts the child’s body rhythm and provides a boost.
Play with child
Your kid plays daily, but when they are sick, they become a little lazy. In such condition, encourage your kids to play, and even they dismiss to play than play with dolls, animal toys, blocks, and other stuff. Other games include a puzzle or board game or play a card. Even you can play your old game of childhood.
Encourage creativity
When you are sick, you can encourage them for their creative skills. Don’t overload with reading or homework. A detective novel, drawing book, and the crossword puzzle is the best for boost creativity. This free time explores the ideas and strategies of your child’s mind. Try to paint with your child or give an amazing shape to clay.