The Best Way to Discuss Vacation Time with Potential Employers

One of the most exciting aspects of a new or prospective job is the possibility of getting vacation time or similarly useful benefits – while it should be a requisite for all jobs, not all sales positions are so keen on allotting this kind of relaxation time to its employees. 

As important as vacation time may be, if you’re interviewing for a new position, this shouldn’t be a hot topic of discussion. By being overly enthusiastic about benefits and the time you’re hoping to spend away from work – and even pay, for that matter – you’re not really showing yourself to be the most dedicated and determined workers. 

In the eyes of a recruitment team, potential candidates ought to be nearly robotic – workers who themselves as workers, tout court, prioritizing their job above all else. 

In any case, it’s quite difficult to get into the mind of a sales recruiter, let alone navigate socializing with one. With this in mind, you may want to look into how they think and operate, particularly when it comes to questions about the perks of a job; luckily, you can easily check out SalesForce Search for more info about the nature of recruiters in the world of sales. In any case, here are a few ways to appropriately discuss prospective vacation times with recruiters.

1. Get it out of the Way ASAP

If you’ve already booked a stellar vacation and you didn’t expect to be starting a new job, the best way to go about it is by being transparent with your recruiter. Absolutely avoid waiting until the last minute, or until after you’ve already started the job – this will certainly be frowned upon by your new boss, who expected you to present for a certain amount of time before getting comfortable enough to take time off, especially if it’s during the first few weeks or months of your employment. 

2. Be Strategic About How You Discuss It

Mention the possibility of a vacation only once an offer is made – that way, you won’t be starting an interview off on a negative or demanding note. If they offer you a position, they want you as a salesperson. That being said, you have a little leeway for negotiation. At this point, you may be able to change your start date at the company, if that would make things easier apropos of your time off. 

3. Be Assertive – You’re Not an Employee Yet

You don’t need to ask a recruiter, you simply need to frame this as an informative moment. Employees should be entitled to vacations, especially if you’ve booked it prior to even getting this prospective job. If you frame it as a request, it may not go as planned. Be assertive and express your needs – these are essentially qualities in any salesperson, to be sure. 

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